Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pulp City: Dead Eye + Harrier

More Pulp City minis! I never liked the images  saw of the Dead Eye miniature, but really liked the vigilantes that came in his box, so I bought it with the intention of proxying Dead Eye himself. I just didn't really dig on the football theme, though it is a unique idea for a hero. Anyway after looking at the mini in person  I really liked it. The detail and proportions where great. Though I still didn't dig on the Football theme, so I decided to convert him.

I filed down the spikes on his shoulderpads and then replaced the football hand with a Hasslefree "Harby" stone hand I had in my bits box. A simple hand swap on the pointing hand and he now looks like he is going to land a haymaker on some evil-doer! The coke can on the base is a bit of sprue and the chip packet is simply printed out.

Dead Eye

The official Harrier model is, IMO, the worst model that Pulp Monsters produce. I just couldn't bring myself to use it, so I repainted a Heroclix Catman mini to use instead. The sculpt is actually pretty decent and scales well with the other Pulp Minis.

Harrier (Proxy)

I also took some better pics of Androida and Iron Train. Iron Train has had a copy of the "Pulp City Herald" added to his base also.

Iron Train



  1. Great to see you blogging and the minis are fantastic, as is that simply stunning Malifaux board. :)
